All posts by James Reffell

political powerpoint

This presentation is a wonderful example of PowerPoint being used for (satirical) political ends. (Backstory here and here.) What fascinates me even more is the use of conceptual interface designs for the same purpose. We often talk within the corporate design world about the power of concepual design to change minds — how about in the wider world as well?

I particularly like the pop-up warning in the second image below.


Design Patterns Presentation

To kick things off here, I’ll post the slides from my talk at the 2006 Information Architecture Summit in spectacular and cupcake-rich Vancouver, B.C.

Micah Alpern and I presented what was really two related topics squooshed together: mine was a history of our use & abuse of design patterns at eBay, and Micah’s was a deconstruction of one part of one of our more fleshed out sets of patterns.

The presentation is here: IA Summit Design Patterns Presentation (PDF)

Discussion over at Functioning Form is here: IA Summit: Design Patterns in the Real World